The Science of Diversity: Data-driven Solutions for Careers in STEM


Diana Cruz Solash, Vice President Inclusion, Diversity & Equity and Early Career Talent, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Karan Dyson, Vice President of Global Process and Engineering, Procter & Gamble

LaToya Collins-Jones, Chief of Staff, Global Diversity and Inclusion, Dell Technologies

Adam Harmon, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Gingko Bioworks

Demetris Cheatham, Senior Director of Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Strategy, GitHub

Laurel Smith-Doerr, Professor of Sociology, UMass Amherst.

Edward Chang, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School.

Watch The Science of Diversity – Career Trajectories

Watch the video with full transcript on YouTube.

Advancing Equity through STEM Research graphic

UMass Amherst Institute of Diversity Sciences

Our research-practitioner network brings together Researchers, Educators, Business Leaders, and Students (REBLS) from across Massachusetts to create solutions so that diverse populations can thrive in computer science and engineering -- both in their educational pathways and in the STEM workforce.
We also operate and support programs that help STEM students thrive from college to careers:

  • Twice a semester, we host a professional speaker series for students called "Creating Pathways to Social Good in your STEM Career"
  • We organize a 6-week summer online Leadership Academy for students traditionally under-represented in tech and engineering
  • We support the BRiDGE program, which hosts talks by scientists from diverse backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in STEM. Speakers present on their research and its broader impacts. The program is designed and run by graduate students in STEM and promotes their career development.

To discover more about the Institute for Diversity Sciences at UMass Amherst, please check out their page.

Science of Diversity Summit Survey

Thank you for attending our summit. Please help us improve by filling out this brief survey.

June 30, 3:00-5:00 PM


STEM careers are among the most fulfilling occupations, especially in a knowledge economy like the Commonwealth. Indeed, in the pandemic moment, we are all aware of the critical importance of science in pulling us through a period of peril.

The UMass Amherst Institute for Diversity Sciences and the University of Massachusetts Office of the President, is sponsoring this zoom summit to explore impactful programs and initiatives that attract, retain, and advance into leadership, professionals in STEM careers from under-represented groups. We pay special attention to the early career period when there is greatest risk for attrition and highlight successful efforts to advance the careers of women and minorities into management roles. The program will feature presentations from colleagues at Dell Technologies, Intel, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Gingko Bioworks, and Github.

The focus is on solutions that are moving the needle: increasing the presence, visibility and influence minority and women workers. Researchers from UMass Amherst and Harvard Business School will discuss differences in organizational structure, recruitment practices, patterns of access to consequential work, and other workplace practices that demonstrably matter in improving outcomes.