Sustainable Community Development

UMass Amherst

In the Sustainable Community Development major, students can explore a variety of perspectives on creating a more sustainable world through planning and design. The planning and design of a sustainable world is complex, and this major offers students the opportunity to prepare academically to deal with this complexity by drawing on a variety of disciplinary fields and working at a range of scales.
CIP Code: 30.3301

Undergraduate Bachelors On-Campus / In-Person


Built Environment | City & Society | Climate Change & Green Infrastructure | Landscape Design/Build | Independent Design Concentration

Possible Career Paths

Architectural and Engineering Managers | Architects, Except Landscape and Naval | Landscape Architects | Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary

UMass Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is the largest public research university in New England. With more than 28,000 students and over 200 distinct academic programs – including highly ranked programs in business, computer science, health care and the social sciences – UMass Amherst is one of the most comprehensive institutions in the Northeast.