
UMass Amherst

The Ph.D. option in Statistics prepares students for academic positions or positions in Academia, or as applied statisticians in industry or government. Entering students are expected to have had Linear Algebra, Calculus and Advanced Calculus. Typically an incoming student in the Ph.D. option in Statistics will have had an introductory course or two in Statistics at the undergraduate level. Student seeking the Ph.D. option in Statistics must complete the following: coursework, qualifying exams, language requirement and dissertation.
CIP Code: 27.0501

Graduate Doctorate On-Campus / In-Person

Possible Career Paths

Natural Sciences Managers | Mathematicians | Statisticians | Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other | Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary | Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education

UMass Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is the largest public research university in New England. With more than 28,000 students and over 200 distinct academic programs – including highly ranked programs in business, computer science, health care and the social sciences – UMass Amherst is one of the most comprehensive institutions in the Northeast.