UMass Dartmouth mathematics professor receives NSF grant to create algorithms that break down the dynamics in physics, engineering, and biological sciences Research Published: Aug. 18, 2020 by Ryan Merrill
Task force examines role of mobile health technology in COVID-19 pandemic Research Published: Aug. 13, 2020 by Sunghoon Ivan Lee
UMass Economist receives Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Malta to conduct research on the hotel industry and sharing economy Research Published: Aug. 12, 2020 by UMass Amherst Office of Communications
National Institute on Aging grant aims to create roadmap for COVID-19 trials in nursing homes Impact Research Published: Aug. 12, 2020 by Susan E.W. Spencer
UMass Amherst public administration working group provides recommendations for ensuring data security and individual privacy rights following 2020 election Research Published: Aug. 10, 2020 by Jane Fountain
UMass Amherst: Rachel Walker, Lisa Wolf selected as American Academy of Nursing Fellows Research Published: Aug. 7, 2020 by UMass Amherst Office of Communications
UMass Amherst study detailed molecular workings of a key system in learning and memory formation Research Published: Aug. 7, 2020 by Margaret Stratton
UMass Lowell professor's new book examines far right's violent extremism Research Published: Aug. 7, 2020 by David Perry
UMass Amherst: How cells keep growing even when under attack Research Published: Aug. 5, 2020 by Peter Chien
Ana Caicedo receives an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award Leadership Research Published: Aug. 5, 2020 by UMass Amherst Office of Communications