Final public forum scheduled on UMass multi-campus hazard mitigation planning project

The University of Massachusetts President's Office is hosting the final public forum to discuss the Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Planning Project. The forum will be held from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Thursday, December 19, 2013 in the Dukes Conference Room, 333 South Street, Shrewsbury, MA.

The multi-campus hazard mitigation plan outlines steps the university will take to keep the UMass campuses and communities safe before, during, and after natural and manmade disasters. It promotes the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, by minimizing the impact of hazards on the campus's physical assets and operations, and by reducing or avoiding long-term vulnerabilities from the identified hazards.

The multi-campus project is supported by a three-year grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation through Federal Emergency Management Agency funding.

The University will utilize this document moving forward as guidance in reducing its current and future risk from natural and manmade hazards by having all resources, risk reduction strategies, responsible entities, and historical information located in one place.

A copy of the draft plan can be downloaded: Draft Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan.

To RSVP to the public meeting or to electronically submit feedback if you are unable to attend, please e-mail Jeffrey Hescock at or call 413-545-7431.