Fidelity Investments One On One Sessions December 14th


As you may know, University of Massachusetts employees are eligible to participate in the University's Tax-Deferred 403(b) plan. The University's 403(b) plan is a supplemental retirement plan administered by the University Treasurer's Office. The University's 403(b) plan has a total of five vendors: TIAA-CREF, Fidelity, Vanguard, CitiStreet and VALIC.

On Thursday, December 14th, Fidelity has offered to provide individual financial counseling sessions for their participants here in Shrewsbury.

Heather Peterson will be available to answer questions you may have about your University 403(b) account,
such as

  • Developing long-term strategies
  • Finding the right allocation mix for you
  • Understanding the effects of inflation and taxes on your retirement income

If you are already participating in the University's 403(b) plan and you have an account with Fidelity, or if you are interested in participating in the University's 403(b) plan and would like to open an account with Fidelity, Heather Peterson will be available, by appointment only, to meet with you.

To schedule an appointment, please contact Fidelity directly at (800) 642-7131. Please plan to meet with her in the Franklin Conference Room. Thank you.