Enrichment collaboration gives UMass Boston students a push toward medical, research centers

Sophomore biology major Kingsly Mante Angua has a lot of things that he wants to do when he graduates from UMass Boston—like become a pediatric surgeon, or work with Doctors Without Borders, or go home to Ghana and build clinics and help fight malaria.

Whatever he ends up doing, he is one step closer to his goals, having completed the TUSM/UMass Boston Enrichment Program over winter break. As a student in the Pathway to PhD, one of two pathway options in the pipeline program, he learned research and lab techniques while shadowing doctoral candidates from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University. He made many connections, received valuable advice, and was assured that he’s in the right field.

“A lot of amazing people have proven that with determination and focus, even in a field that’s maybe as difficult as medicine, you can accomplish your goal if you really clear your mind,” he said.

Mante Angua (pictured below, bottom row, center) shared his experiences last month during a celebration of the eighth year of the pipeline program.

Since its inception, each January, about 25 premedical and pre-PhD research students from UMass Boston spend three weeks at Tufts University School of Medicine, participating in seminars, shadowing clinicians, and gaining exposure to a range of careers. To date, 208 students have participated and 145 have graduated from UMass Boston. Sixty-seven of the graduates are pursuing careers in various programs, including University of California, Los Angeles-Caltech, New York University, State University of New York, UMass Medical School, Harvard, and Chicago medical schools.

At the February reception, College of Science and Mathematics Dean Robin Côté said that since the program started, 10 UMass Boston students have been accepted and 8 students enrolled in the MD program at TUSM, 4 were accepted and enrolled at the dental school, and 3 are currently in other programs at Tufts.

“Twelve percent of the students who graduated from the [enrichment] program have been admitted to Tufts University. If you think about that, 12 percent is better than the success rate of people sending grants to the [National Science Foundation],” Côté said.

Esmal Lesha ’15 is a fourth-year medical student at Tufts. He will be graduating this spring and is preparing for his residency in neurosurgery. He was part of the first cohort in 2013. Participating gave him a professional emersion experience working with Tufts Medical School clinicians.

“I was in the hospital with med students, with physicians, and all the studying I was doing as a pre-med had meaning now. I wasn’t just reading a book in biology just to do it,” Lesha said. “That gave me the push that I needed.”

Originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Baby Lenga Kalemba is an exercise and health sciences major minoring in biology at UMass Boston. She was part of the 2020 cohort that took part in the Pathway to Clinical and Health Careers.

“It was exciting, mostly because I got to work alongside medical students and the faculty,” Kalemba said. “It made me more confident in myself as I learned how people can have different backgrounds. I don’t have to be afraid.”

The TUSM/UMass Boston Enrichment Program began in 2013 as a collaboration between Joyce Sackey, dean for multicultural affairs and global health at the Tufts University School of Medicine; Gerard Gaughan, clinical professor of medicine at the Tufts University School of Medicine and member of UMass Boston’s Board of Visitors; and Andrew Grosovsky, former dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics and current professor of biology.

“When we were sitting around trying to plan this program … I don’t think any of us imagined in a short period of time the program would be as successful. The other aspect of the success of the program is the number of medical students who have taught in the program—PhD students who have come to me and said, ‘As a result of this experience, I want to get into academia,’” Sackey said.

Interim Chancellor Katherine Newman concluded her remarks by thanking Gaughan and his late wife, Jane, for funding the pipeline program.

“With 13,000 people competing for those 400 special letters in the mail, the odds of any one person going to succeed are infinitesimal, but it makes a very big difference if an intentional pathway has been built to make it possible for this kind of talent to surface and be recognized. And that’s really what Jerry and his late wife, Jane, have made possible,” Newman said.