College Gazette names UMass Dartmouth as 7th best "Hidden Gem" public university in the nation

Well, looks like the secret is out. College Gazette celebrated UMass Dartmouth for consistently demonstrating excellence in learning opportunities for students. However, no one at UMassD was surprised. It’s hard to walk across campus and not notice the incredible discovery, research, and student activities taking place.

Consider art student Robert Najlis, who earned a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship and is currently exploring ancient artforms in China. Or the Education faculty members who received a $2 million grant to help educators empower the digital generation. This research grant and many others helped increase total research funding by 26% in 2019. This translates into more opportunities for students and faculty in every program to conduct groundbreaking research. At UMass Dartmouth, students excel outside of the classroom and laboratory as well. Just ask Jordan Entwistle, who became a NCAA Champion in Track & Field.

To address issues in healthcare, the university enhanced the nursing school – now called the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Students across the College work together to solve current medical problems and prevent future ones. For students who want a highly rigorous educational experience, the university created a new Honors College that focuses on high-impact enrichment opportunities. The College of Engineering hosted a Nobel Prize winner to discuss his research on black holes and the Charlton College of Business brought entrepreneurs to campus to guide students through the small business start-up process.

This year also saw a new residence hall and dining complex spring from the ground. The facilities will include classrooms, multimedia and study lounges, technology-equipped maker labs, a soundproof music studio, and recreation spaces.

Others noticed success at UMass Dartmouth too. U.S. News & World Report ranked the university #84 nationwide and #3 in Massachusetts for student social mobility after graduation. The Princeton Review named UMassD as one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible schools for the 8th year in a row and the Chancellor recently signed a commitment to reduce our carbon emissions even further.

It’s been an impressive year for this “Hidden Gem”. Not convinced? Come visit UMass Dartmouth and see for yourself.